Abstract: This short howto explains, how a basic nagios installation could be installed, which can be used to trigger remote Powershell commands for monitoring purpose.
Some users asked me if I can provide a quick installation manual for a basic Debian installation which can be used to trigger the PS scripts.
As this is a very basic Nagios environment to help you to get started, this howto didn´t make use of some special security implementations!
1.) Setup a Debian 8.x (Jessie) basis installation (for example as explained here)
2.) We will now perform a basic installation
2a.) login as root and install nagios 3 and the nagios plugins & the NRPE plugin via:
apt-get install nagios3 nagios-plugins nagios-nrpe-plugin
2b.) The wizard will ask you to enter a password for the “nagiosadmin” user. For this small howto we will use “password”. For you environment it would be wise to choose a better password!
2c.) Once the wizard close, the basic installation is finished now and you can login via
You can use “ifconfig” to get the current IP from the debian OS.
Username: nagiosadmin
Password: <ThePasswordYouChoose>
3.) The next step will cover a very basic Nagios configuration.
3a.) Make sure that the check_nrpe.cfg contains the basic settings as below via:
nano /etc/nagios-plugins/config/check_nrpe.cfg
# this command runs a program $ARG1$ with arguments $ARG2$
define command {
       command_name   check_nrpe
       command_line   /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c $
# this command runs a program $ARG1$ with no arguments
define command {
       command_name   check_nrpe_1arg
       command_line   /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c $
4.) In the last step we will trigger an powershell script on an Windows Server via NSCP (NSClient++). In this example we will use the Exchange 2010/2013/2016 MailQueue monitoring script.
4a.) Make sure that the nagios NRPE plugin is running. If it is running we can perform a basic connection test via:
cd /usr/lib/nagios/plugins
./check_nrpe -H <YourExchangeServer> -c <The script name, preferred: check_exchange_mailqueue>
./check_nrpe -H exch01.int.contoso.com -c check_exchange_mailqueue
this should output the following:
OK: All mail queues within limits. |'queue '=0;10;20;0
4b.) If that is working we could start to add the server to the nagios environment. At first we will add it as a new host via:
nano /etc/nagios3/conf.d/exserver1_nagios2.cfg
and past the following into it (adjust it to fits your needs)
define host{
       use                generic-host
       host_name          exserver1.int.contoso.com
       alias              exserver1
We will do the same for the 2nd host we have:
nano /etc/nagios3/conf.d/exserver2_nagios2.cfg
and past the following into it (adjust it to fits your needs)
define host{
       use                generic-host
       host_name          exserver2.int.contoso.com
       alias              exserver1
If you now perform a nagios reload:
/etc/init.d/nagios3 reload
and check the nagios website http://<YourNagiosServer>/nagios3/ you can see that a new server is visible there and the hostname should show a successfull response to a ping command and the server therefore should be online.
4c.) As we now with to have a Hostgroup called “Exchange” we will do the following:
and add the following codebox at the bottom
# A list of your Microsoft Exchange servers
define hostgroup {
       hostgroup_name ms-exchange
               alias          MS-Exchange servers
               members        exserver1.int.contoso.com,exserver2.int.contoso.com
If you now perform a nagios reload:
/etc/init.d/nagios3 reload
and check the nagios website http://<YourNagiosServer>/nagios3/ you can see that a new hostgroup exists now with our exchange server.
4c.) We will now add the Exchange Mailqueue Service. So edit again our config from above via:
nano /etc/nagios3/conf.d/exserver1_nagios2.cfg
and below the host definition add the following:
define service {
       host_name                      exserver1.int.contoso.com
       service_description            Mail
       check_command                  check_nrpe_1arg!check_exchange_mailqueue
       use                            generic-service
       notification_interval          0