Abstract: After installing an Skype for Business Server update you might need to update the background Database here as well. Here is a short HowTo which explains the steps and also a way to check the versions.
1.) Check at first if you need to run a upgrade. A good option to perform that is the following command (e.g. on a SfB frontend Server):
Test-CsDatabase -ConfiguredDatabases -SqlServerFqdn sql01.int.contoso.com | ft databasen*,Expe*,Inst*,Suc* -AutoSize
This will output something like:
DatabaseName ExpectedVersion InstalledVersion Succeed
------------ --------------- ---------------- -------
rtcxds      15.13.10       15.13.9            True
rtcshared   5.0.1          5.0.1              True
rtcab       62.42.12       62.42.12           True
rgsconfig   5.5.1          5.5.1              True
rgsdyn      2.2.1          2.2.1              True
cpsdyn      1.1.2          1.1.2              True
LcsCDRÂ Â Â Â Â Â 39.85.10Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 39.85.10Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â True
QoEMetrics  62.93.9        62.93.9            True
mgc         1.42.1         1.42.1             True
Keep noted the expected rtcxds version on the test system is 15.13.10 and not 15.13.9
2.) The best option is to stop all services in the whole pool before you perform a DB upgrade (as mentioned here)
net stop w3svc
3.) The update from the DB could be done via (as explained here)
Install-CsDatabase -ConfiguredDatabases -SqlServerFqdn sql01.int.contoso.com -Verbose
If you got the following error:
Install-CsDatabase : Command execution failed: Cannot determine where to install database files because Windows Management Instrumentation on the database server is unavailable from your
computer or user account. To continue, you can resolve this issue, or you can specify where you want to install the files.
At line:1 char:1
+ Install-CsDatabase -ConfiguredDatabases -SqlServerFqdn sql01.int.contoso.com ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   + CategoryInfo         : InvalidOperation: (:) [Install-CsDatabase], DeploymentException
   + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ProcessingFailed,Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Deployment.InstallDatabase
You need to specify the folder on the SQL server where the DBs exists in like the following:
Install-CsDatabase -ConfiguredDatabases -SqlServerFqdn sql01.int.contoso.com -DatabasePaths “H:\Databases”,”G:\T-Logs” -Verbose
If you got a
Set owner failed for Database 'rtcxds'."
Error message make sure you didn´t renamed the SA user (as written here)!
4.) Now check if the version updated:
Test-CsDatabase -ConfiguredDatabases -SqlServerFqdn sql01.int.contoso.com | ft databasen*,Expe*,Inst*,Suc* -AutoSize
Which output the following if everything was working as expected:
DatabaseName ExpectedVersion InstalledVersion Succeed
------------ --------------- ---------------- -------
rtcxds      15.13.10       15.13.10           True
rtcshared   5.0.1          5.0.1              True
rtcab       62.42.12       62.42.12           True
rgsconfig   5.5.1          5.5.1              True
rgsdyn      2.2.1          2.2.1              True
cpsdyn      1.1.2          1.1.2              True
LcsCDRÂ Â Â Â Â Â 39.85.10Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 39.85.10Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â True
QoEMetrics  62.93.9        62.93.9            True
mgc         1.42.1         1.42.1             True
Note: This example didn´t covered a mirrored SQL cluster!
Cross reference:
For more infos about SfB patching checkout this side (german only): http://www.msxfaq.de/lync/updates/skype_for_business_patching.htm
For more infos about SfB patching checkout this side: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3061064