If you build something with Visual Studio and wish to put the vcredist to your installed or keep it updated on the PCs where a Visual Studio application is running, you might need to get access to the latest Visual Studio VC ++ Runtime (vcredist) files. Since it isnĀ“t easy to found the latest version you can use this Microsoft URL.
As of now, the latest are:
- Visual Studio 2005 (VC++ 8.0) SP1 w/ MFC Security Update: 8.0.61001 (8.0.61000 for x86)
- Visual Studio 2008 (VC++ 9.0) SP1 w/ MFC Security Update: 9.0.30729.6161
- Visual Studio 2010 (VC++ 10.0) SP1 w/ MFC Security Update: 10.0.40219.325
- Visual Studio 2012 (VC++ 11.0) Update 1: 11.0.51106.1